Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hee-eeyy-eeeyyy, IIIII'MMMM, Wooaaaaa, I'm Still ALIIIIIIIVE

I did the 20k and didn't die! Go me! Lynners still beat me though. I've gotta catch up to that rat fink! I'll spank her ass by the time we get to the R'n'R halfer if it kills me! Gregoreo wasn't as speedy as his usual self, he had some bad tummeh cramps and wasn't feeling so hawt. Still, he kept up a 7:42 mm pace, so nothing to sneeze at!

Get any runz in whilst in Maine, R? (remind me to tell you about the Rachel-brand cottage cheese I bought today! ) I'm kinda wondering wtf i was thinking, signing up for that 8K on Tues so soon after this long race. hope i'm recovered! My new shin splint in the other leg is mighty owchy. iceiceice.alevealevealeve.

Aber, I missez you! Even if you're gonna defer, we should still do some runs! I can't remember if you said you wanted to still do the army ten miler. You can just focus on doing thattaone in your most bangeranginest way!

OH AND. I have a purple toenail. Iz a big bruise under it and the nail is kinda pulling away from the bed. owzers. am i a REAL runner now?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I changed it up a little

So I was just telling Elizabeth, I changed the schedule for myself a little - today I ran 11 miles (OWWW IT WAS HARD) and I'm not planning to run tomorrow - since I have to work that movie in Bethesda tonight, I'm prob not going to be up for getting up rill early tomorrow to run, and also I have a lot of baking to do before the par-tee (btw Eliz! I forgot to ask, do you mind giving me & zp a ride?).. Also I'm concerned I won't get my long run in next weekend in Maine, so I went for it this weekend.

Sooo yeah. that's what's up. My "weekly progress" thing in is definitely showing a bunch of those red bars saying I'm breaking the 10% rule! I can't help it! I'm not even making the mileage I'm supposed to, according to the schedule.. last couple weeks I've only managed to get 2 runs in during the week instead of 3..

Anyway how did the track thing go this morning Eliz? How was the gym yesterday AmbER? mmkay gotta go get ready for WORK. on a SATURDAY. >:-[

see you guys at Sara's tomorrow :)