Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A race?

Rachel - the calendar says you're going to be in Maine, but does anyone have interest in doing this 20k http://www.runwashington.com/news/308/15/

Monday, June 29, 2009

Time to start meeting

Alrighty, I have no desire to try to fight my way to EFC and back on the 4th of July weekend. So how about we meet for our first group run of 5 miles on 7/11?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I ran too!

Well, mostly I walked, but i did run soooome of it. leg doesn't seem to be hurting... yet! gonna stretch and ice it good. but first, i had to blog. :) was good to see yawl yesterday! hope you had good weekends!

oh and Greggers asked me to put in one more plug for Ragnar before the price jump at end of June! he's trying to make Two teams now, one leet team of 6 and one regular 12 person team. We'd be on the regular people team. But i'm not ashamed! I saw patrick at the beerbourbon thing yesterday and drunkenly tried to talk him into coming as well. Anyway, one van could be us and Saa and Andy (Riutta) and .... one more crazy person! I know we've probably spent enough on races this year, but thought I'd try anyway. I think if he doesn't get enough people, then he's gonna ditch the regular folks and just do the ultra-relay team. lame!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm bloggering on my phone

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I ran!

I got up at 4 o'clock this morning and got my two miles in. I think I'm beginning to get a bit of the ol' motivation and dedication back! Too bad I'm still slow as a snail in the desert.

Rachel! (and Liz in spirit or on bike) when do you want to do our first run together?

O and Liz, I couldn't find where you asked about whether you need run with us or we won't feel like your participating... of course you are participating!! The schedule was just a guideline and if we can run together supa.. if we can't run togther.. o well, life's busy.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

One week done! Only nineteen to go!

I just finished up my three mile run for the week. I managed to get in all the runs I scheduled, not a single one was on the day it was supposed to be, but I figure that is not the important part.

So, I've learned two things from my first week of training:

1) I'm hella out of shape

2) Twenty six point two miles is going to be a long friggin' way.

How were your weeks?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Shin Splintz!!!

Sigh. Greg diagnosed it for me, but that's what the doctor said. She said the knee/ankle pain that cropped up later was from me adjusting my gait because of the shin splints. Which kinda makes sense, cause I was leaning way to one side while walking all the time to keep my weight off that leg. But it was good to see an x-ray and confirm that I don't have a sneaky broken bone like Saa did. Anyway, so it's an ice/motrin regimen for me.

She said I could go ahead with training but I should try a run/walk program. Think I could adopt our plan to such? She also recommended running in a pool (huh?) so I'm thinking about dropping my Gold's membership and joining the GU gym so I can do that. Swimming is good cross-training eh? I can barely doggypaddle, but maybe i'll learn. Definitely going to keep up the byking though, I feel like that's strengthened my legs without wearing down on them as much. Plus i just got my sweet new rack so i can tote stuff And a mega-hardcore lock so nobuddeh can steal it.

You guys get some runs in today/yesterday?

This seminar seems neat, but i dunno if worth going to Reston for: http://www.potomacriverrunning.com/events.asp?p=events_instore

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

First week of training!

Monday was a rest day. Check!

Tuesday I was supposed to run 2 miles and I ate Chinese food instead. But I got up this morning (at 4) and did 26 minutes on the treadmill. So I count that as a Check!

Tonight I'm going to do my "cross training" which will probably consist of me stretching a lot. I've been taking the stairs lately because where I am now, they happen to be closer than the elevator and my calves are KILLING me. Amber. So outta shape right now. Amber.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

20 weeks away!

The countdown begins!!!! I'm starting my training today, because I haven't done shiz-it. I don't feel prepared enough to follow any of the training plans as written, so I went through and combined a couple and made my own.

Not gonna lie, there are some mid- week "medium" length runs that I'll probably shorten or drop depending on how dedicated I'm feeling. I tried to keep the jumps in mileage non-drastic and I think it's mostly ok.

With the long run schedule specifically, what do you guys think? Any word on you leg Liz? And since I'm a dum dum and can't figure out how to add an document attachment and it doesn't copy and paste well, I'll share the document with in in da gmail.