Thursday, July 30, 2009

our training!

Ok i'm kinder confused about our training plan, Aberstar!

So is the point of this weekend a 6m "tempo" run and then a 7 mile "long" run? and then next week it's 6 mile tempo again but then 12 the next day? And so on until we get to marathon day?

Greg is talking about trying to get out me out on a track for tempo running - if anybody'd care to join!


well I went to Pacers last night for a water bottle and walked out with a water bottle, running shorts (on sale!), a sports bra and a couple different kinds of FUEL - some shot bloks and some GU chomps. I also did laundry and washed more running clothes.

so where did that get me?? asleep on the couch this morning. I got up at 5:15 and my stomach felt funny so I thought I'd just lay down for a few minutes.. and then it was 5:30 and I thought Well maybe I could just do 3 miles at least.. and then it was 6am and I said, well EFF. I should at least get up and take a shower.. and then it was 6:37 and Zach was up and laughing at my sleeping ass on the couch. I did at least get a shower in.

So I've brought my running clothes with me to work! I have some crazy fantasy that I might do my 5-mile run on my lunch hour.. I could just go down the capital crescent trail 2.5 miles and come back. It might not be TOO crazy hot.. at least it's shady on that trail..

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Heat is OON ONNNN

Interesting article Greg sent me about running in the heat:,7120,s6-238-267--13245-1-1X2X3-4,00.html

it's a little bit long, but you can skip to the end where it gives the statistical difference between identical workouts, one at 50-some degrees and one at 80 or 90 or something. It's pretty obscene! And it's a little encouraging cause I'm feeling pretty hard on myself now and maybe i can just blame the weather.

Monday, July 27, 2009

past results are motivating

I just went through a bunch of my past race results and posted them in my account, and marked them as Events so they go into My Accomplishments so I can look at all my race results on one page. It's really cool to see all those races and how well I did! Well, how well in some, how not so well in others.. I'm sure I didn't even put all the races I've done over the past couple years, but I've got several 5Ks and a couple 10Ks and the marathon and the 10-miler - and I feel accomplished! :) and I feel motivated to beat some of those times!

just thought I'd share. :)

I think I should be able to follow the Running doc exactly this week (except the cross training today. Probably won't do that). Do you guys want to try to run together this weekend? I'd be up for running with you guys either or both days this weekend. For one of them I was thinking of taking a bus to Rosslyn and running down the Mt Vernon trail.. For the other I haven't decided.

Friday, July 10, 2009

marathon seminar

Eliz probably saw this too, I know she's on the Pacers mailing list - but check this out:

Marathon Preparation Seminar: A Check Up for Fall Marathoners
Wednesday, July 29 | 7:00pm | Pacers Alexandria

Want to know if you are on track for your fall marathon? Have training questions or need advice? Join our fun run leaders and seasoned marathoners Joe Schultz and Sonia Jarboe for an hour long seminar with Q&A. E-mail Joe or Sonia at

could be useful!!

also the Crystal City Twilighter 5K is coming up - it was really tough for me last year, but that might have been my chipotle burrito I'd had for lunch... Anyway! We should maybe be beyond 5K's at this point but.. I still enjoy them.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

shame works!

Yesterday I turned my alarm off and went back to sleep instead of running in the morning. and then Elizabeth showed me the facebook app for

And then this Morning, I got out of bed at the alarm, but then I went out and sat on the couch for a few minutes, and then fell over and Almost went back to sleep right there.. And then i thought of that facebook app, that would remain pathetically empty if I didn't do something this morning.

So I got up! And I ran! Not quite 3 miles, miscalculated my route a bit, but still. public shame works! :)

Saturday, July 4, 2009 - Training Log for ElizMarWilli - Training Log for ElizMarWilli

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new thingy!

I found this new site:

If you register there you can log your exercise and track your mileage! and then you can add that little widget to the sidebar there, you can see mine's up on the right ---->

seeee it? you can't see the whole thing unfortunately, but all that's cut off is my pace.

Anyway I thought it would be cool if we each had our little running log there.. eh? you don't have to but I'm gonna try to keep it updated. Gives me a little motivation. :)