Friday, July 30, 2010

20 Miler

Biscuits -- Price goes up on the first, we doing this thing?

What about you other peoples :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Biking too!

Also, I saw an ad for this when I was getting my flat tire fixed:

Revolution Cycles Presents: Ladies' Night | For Women. By Women.
Where to ride, Why to ride, and How to ride safely and comfortably.

Thu Jul 29 6:30pm – 8pm

Revolution Clarendon | 2731 Wilson Blvd Arlington, VA 22201

It said on the flyer that there would be wine toooooooo. And it's free!

Also, they do weekly women-only rides from Clarendon on Thursday nights. And co-ed ones on other nights too! * imaginary googly eyes at imaginary hawt biking dood*

More runs?

Hey frnds!

R&A (and Sara too, if you want!) - Wednesday run this week? Yes? If you guys want, we could start at my new place, I got my living room and kitchen [mostly] all set up and I'm super excited about it. I think I've figured out where that Bluemont Trail crosses nearest to me (seemed like there was a crossover right on Kensington - did you see it, R?) so I could work out a little map of a trot for us.

Also, DC Road Runners are doing another cheap little weeknight race on Tuesday, 8/3, starting in Bluemont Park. It's only $5 for nonmembers, but at the Bastille Day race, Puja signed up as a member and it never asked for any verification of her membership (she had an expired one). So. You could actually do it for free. Thought I might suggest it cause it's cheap and then we'll have some hydration provided for us and accurate timing is always a good motivator! I know it's your track-training night though, Amber. They do a lot of other little races n things, you guys should check it out: (there's an 8k this Weds too, location TBA, if it's not inconvenient, I could be down!)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Moment of Panic

It occurs to me, I have to run a half marathon in 8 weeks. I haven't run more than a 10k in probably over a year.

AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Why do we do this again?