Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Race ideas

Here are some upcoming races we could do!

Herndon Running Festival 10K or 5K (Herndon, obvi) - May 31

Rock the House 8K (Fairfax) - June 7

Lawyers have Heart 10K (Georgetown) - June 13

I'm not sure what to do about the mileage build up problem, I agree we're too far off schedule to do what we'd originally planned. But if we can train for a couple 10K's and have at least 1 ten-miler trail run before the end of June, we should be able to make just small adjustments to the Real training program this summer to get sort of back on track. I still think we can do this!! I just needs some races for the near future to get me pumped back up.

What do you guys think of the above races? I'd do all three, if someone wants to drive my ass out to Herndon, and then Fairfax.

Uhm... Guys...

Maybe we should start meeting for training runs before our scheduled start date?? I don't know about you girls, but I'm not going to be able to handle a 10 mile long run on the 28th. And I'm thinking the plan we were thinking about using is now a bit too ambitious for me.


(I liked the idea of finding a race.)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Omg. Omg. Omg. We're supposed to start training in like.. a month. And I've done bupkiss. Nil. Zilch. NADA since the cherry blossom and I'm slightly panicked. I don't have natural athletic ability that I can just coast on... I need to get out there and run!!!

I'm just so... lazy :(

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Running with pups!

I've only walked a dog maybe once or twice in my life, but would you guys be up for taking some puppehs out for a run on the weekends? I just noticed this in one of our homeward trails newsletters... I think the Dog Paws place is not too far from the 4 mile run trail!

Like to Run or Walk??
Homeward Trails needs you!

We are looking for active volunteers to come walk/run our dogs who are residents of Dog Paws University. These lucky pooches are hanging out at daycare until their forever home comes along. But they need more outdoor time!

We are looking for volunteers to come and walk/run them so that they get that great Springtime air and sunshine...and get more excercise. Looking for both weekday and weekend volunteers. A GREAT way to get back in shape and help a pooch in need. Dog Paws is located in Arlington, VA.

Please contact Liz Olsen if you would like to volunteer:

Fit and Fabulous.

How are you doing my little sick-a-dees :(?? I hope you're both feeling better this morning!!

I've been really trying to make an effort to start getting fit. (Is it sad that I have to train to be in good enough shape to start training?) I've been (trying) to clean up my eating. Vegetable consumption is up, junk food consumption is down and wine consumption is holding steady. (Can't be perfect right?) I'm also hydrated enough that I visit the bathroom at least 5 times a day, probably closer to 7 or 8.

I didn't run yesterday (I took a nap... sleeping is good for you...) but! I did get up this morning and lift weights for half an hour. You have to get up rilly early to lift weights and still be at work before 6 am. I would like to say that I'm going to run this afternoon, but we all know I'm probably going to flake out on that. (I have to go grocery shopping. Food > exercise)

Hope you're feeling better guys!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I Ran!

Sorry about cancelling our plans to run guys. I'm kind of glad I did though, because in Centreville, at exactly 9:30, the weather went from light drizzle to monsoon. I still got a run in on the treadmill, so w00t.

I have intentions to run again this afternoon, but I made the worst deal in history, so I have to go grocery shopping today.

How'd you guys do this weekend?