Thursday, May 26, 2011


Hey Dudes!

My track coach told me that with my mile time there is no reason I shouldn't easily be running 5ks at at 9:30 pace. I know Liz is out of comission a bit with her injury and summer is hot as balls to run in and it sucks to pay money to race that lasts 30 minutes.


Would you guys be interested in finding a cheap 5k somewhere and testing this whole 9:30 min/mile theory out with me? I've never gotten under 30 min total so I'm dubious at her thought process. I don't actually run many 5ks, usually just the Turkey Trot.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dash 4 Dad?

Hey dudes. Was thinking about this one, in honor of my Uncle Jim (Aunt Susan's hubby) who is fighting prostate cancer currently. Either of you feel like doing a 4 miler in June? I bet it won't be hot at all. totally. yeah. ha. $35, Pentagon Row.

They have a really cute competition where you grab a tie at the 1 mile mark and have to tie it on yourself while running and have it complete by the end, hehe!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Running clinic, free!

Halloooo, I was thinking about hitting up this clinic! The Arlington one is the same day as Taste of Arlington and right in the same neighborhood, so maybe they two events could pair up nicely? :) Anyway, just passing along FYI.