Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I just felt like posting this picture because it's awesome.

St. Patrick's Day 8K!

hey you guyyyyys!

I just registered for the St Patrick's Day 8K - March 14. It's at 9am this year! isn't it usually 8am? maybe we won't freeze As much as usual. are you guys in???? doooo it. it'll be my last race as a single lady.

here's the link to go register http://www.active.com/running/washington-dc/st-patricks-day-8k-2010

price is $25 now, goes up to $30 on January 1!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Turkeys and Santas?

You guys are doin' turkey trots, right? I think I'm gonna sign up for one in Williamsburg... have yet to ask Saa if she'd like to too! woooooops.

I marked the Jingle All the Way 10k on my calendar (Dec 13th). Aaaaaany interest?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Wall!

This is a very interesting/informative article about "The Wall"! just sharing :)


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

sign spinning at MCM!

from the washington run report:

The Marine Corps Marathon has partnered with AArrow Advertising Northern Virginia to add an exciting 'spinteractive' element to mile markers along the 26.2 mile course. Traditional static mile markers will be replaced in nine locations with sign spinners, who will be performing with the nearly six-foot long arrow-shaped signs, bringing color, energy, and movement to the mile marks. Read the Press Release.

this is gonna be fuuuuuun! i hope they play the "BOOM KING" song from Flight of the Conchords that they do when Bret has the sign holding job.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

november race idea

This is a weeee bit in advance but I found this race happening on a Sunday in November in Glen Burnie! Thought it might be fun to go visit Sara and do a run while we're there. eh?


I can't find where it says how long the race is! I think it's a 5K.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


A vote for the ice bath! i think it really did help me recover quicker from our long run on Saturday. At least i seeemed to be grunting less than Rachel was, haha! (tho i didnt do any crazy lunges and skippyhop dances last week like you, man!)


If'n Sherbet shows up tonight, I'm fixin' to run 8 miles before Lynn's. harr harr yeah right. Okay I'll do it before work tomorrow! Or... sometime!

half marathon this weekend! bangeraaaaaaaaaaaanggggg!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hee-eeyy-eeeyyy, IIIII'MMMM, Wooaaaaa, I'm Still ALIIIIIIIVE

I did the 20k and didn't die! Go me! Lynners still beat me though. I've gotta catch up to that rat fink! I'll spank her ass by the time we get to the R'n'R halfer if it kills me! Gregoreo wasn't as speedy as his usual self, he had some bad tummeh cramps and wasn't feeling so hawt. Still, he kept up a 7:42 mm pace, so nothing to sneeze at!

Get any runz in whilst in Maine, R? (remind me to tell you about the Rachel-brand cottage cheese I bought today! ) I'm kinda wondering wtf i was thinking, signing up for that 8K on Tues so soon after this long race. hope i'm recovered! My new shin splint in the other leg is mighty owchy. iceiceice.alevealevealeve.

Aber, I missez you! Even if you're gonna defer, we should still do some runs! I can't remember if you said you wanted to still do the army ten miler. You can just focus on doing thattaone in your most bangeranginest way!

OH AND. I have a purple toenail. Iz a big bruise under it and the nail is kinda pulling away from the bed. owzers. am i a REAL runner now?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I changed it up a little

So I was just telling Elizabeth, I changed the schedule for myself a little - today I ran 11 miles (OWWW IT WAS HARD) and I'm not planning to run tomorrow - since I have to work that movie in Bethesda tonight, I'm prob not going to be up for getting up rill early tomorrow to run, and also I have a lot of baking to do before the par-tee (btw Eliz! I forgot to ask, do you mind giving me & zp a ride?).. Also I'm concerned I won't get my long run in next weekend in Maine, so I went for it this weekend.

Sooo yeah. that's what's up. My "weekly progress" thing in logyourrun.com is definitely showing a bunch of those red bars saying I'm breaking the 10% rule! I can't help it! I'm not even making the mileage I'm supposed to, according to the schedule.. last couple weeks I've only managed to get 2 runs in during the week instead of 3..

Anyway how did the track thing go this morning Eliz? How was the gym yesterday AmbER? mmkay gotta go get ready for WORK. on a SATURDAY. >:-[

see you guys at Sara's tomorrow :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

our training!

Ok i'm kinder confused about our training plan, Aberstar!

So is the point of this weekend a 6m "tempo" run and then a 7 mile "long" run? and then next week it's 6 mile tempo again but then 12 the next day? And so on until we get to marathon day?

Greg is talking about trying to get out me out on a track for tempo running - if anybody'd care to join!


well I went to Pacers last night for a water bottle and walked out with a water bottle, running shorts (on sale!), a sports bra and a couple different kinds of FUEL - some shot bloks and some GU chomps. I also did laundry and washed more running clothes.

so where did that get me?? asleep on the couch this morning. I got up at 5:15 and my stomach felt funny so I thought I'd just lay down for a few minutes.. and then it was 5:30 and I thought Well maybe I could just do 3 miles at least.. and then it was 6am and I said, well EFF. I should at least get up and take a shower.. and then it was 6:37 and Zach was up and laughing at my sleeping ass on the couch. I did at least get a shower in.

So I've brought my running clothes with me to work! I have some crazy fantasy that I might do my 5-mile run on my lunch hour.. I could just go down the capital crescent trail 2.5 miles and come back. It might not be TOO crazy hot.. at least it's shady on that trail..

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Heat is OON ONNNN

Interesting article Greg sent me about running in the heat:

it's a little bit long, but you can skip to the end where it gives the statistical difference between identical workouts, one at 50-some degrees and one at 80 or 90 or something. It's pretty obscene! And it's a little encouraging cause I'm feeling pretty hard on myself now and maybe i can just blame the weather.

Monday, July 27, 2009

past results are motivating

I just went through a bunch of my past race results and posted them in my logyourrun.com account, and marked them as Events so they go into My Accomplishments so I can look at all my race results on one page. It's really cool to see all those races and how well I did! Well, how well in some, how not so well in others.. I'm sure I didn't even put all the races I've done over the past couple years, but I've got several 5Ks and a couple 10Ks and the marathon and the 10-miler - and I feel accomplished! :) and I feel motivated to beat some of those times!

just thought I'd share. :)

I think I should be able to follow the Running doc exactly this week (except the cross training today. Probably won't do that). Do you guys want to try to run together this weekend? I'd be up for running with you guys either or both days this weekend. For one of them I was thinking of taking a bus to Rosslyn and running down the Mt Vernon trail.. For the other I haven't decided.

Friday, July 10, 2009

marathon seminar

Eliz probably saw this too, I know she's on the Pacers mailing list - but check this out:

Marathon Preparation Seminar: A Check Up for Fall Marathoners
Wednesday, July 29 | 7:00pm | Pacers Alexandria

Want to know if you are on track for your fall marathon? Have training questions or need advice? Join our fun run leaders and seasoned marathoners Joe Schultz and Sonia Jarboe for an hour long seminar with Q&A. E-mail Joe or Sonia at joeandsonia@runpacers.com.

could be useful!!

also the Crystal City Twilighter 5K is coming up - it was really tough for me last year, but that might have been my chipotle burrito I'd had for lunch... Anyway! We should maybe be beyond 5K's at this point but.. I still enjoy them.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

shame works!

Yesterday I turned my alarm off and went back to sleep instead of running in the morning. and then Elizabeth showed me the facebook app for LogYourRun.com...

And then this Morning, I got out of bed at the alarm, but then I went out and sat on the couch for a few minutes, and then fell over and Almost went back to sleep right there.. And then i thought of that facebook app, that would remain pathetically empty if I didn't do something this morning.

So I got up! And I ran! Not quite 3 miles, miscalculated my route a bit, but still. public shame works! :)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

MapMyRun.com - Training Log for ElizMarWilli

MapMyRun.com - Training Log for ElizMarWilli

Shared via AddThis

new thingy!

I found this new site: www.logyourrun.com.

If you register there you can log your exercise and track your mileage! and then you can add that little widget to the sidebar there, you can see mine's up on the right ---->

seeee it? you can't see the whole thing unfortunately, but all that's cut off is my pace.

Anyway I thought it would be cool if we each had our little running log there.. eh? you don't have to but I'm gonna try to keep it updated. Gives me a little motivation. :)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A race?

Rachel - the calendar says you're going to be in Maine, but does anyone have interest in doing this 20k http://www.runwashington.com/news/308/15/

Monday, June 29, 2009

Time to start meeting

Alrighty, I have no desire to try to fight my way to EFC and back on the 4th of July weekend. So how about we meet for our first group run of 5 miles on 7/11?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I ran too!

Well, mostly I walked, but i did run soooome of it. leg doesn't seem to be hurting... yet! gonna stretch and ice it good. but first, i had to blog. :) was good to see yawl yesterday! hope you had good weekends!

oh and Greggers asked me to put in one more plug for Ragnar before the price jump at end of June! he's trying to make Two teams now, one leet team of 6 and one regular 12 person team. We'd be on the regular people team. But i'm not ashamed! I saw patrick at the beerbourbon thing yesterday and drunkenly tried to talk him into coming as well. Anyway, one van could be us and Saa and Andy (Riutta) and .... one more crazy person! I know we've probably spent enough on races this year, but thought I'd try anyway. I think if he doesn't get enough people, then he's gonna ditch the regular folks and just do the ultra-relay team. lame!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm bloggering on my phone

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I ran!

I got up at 4 o'clock this morning and got my two miles in. I think I'm beginning to get a bit of the ol' motivation and dedication back! Too bad I'm still slow as a snail in the desert.

Rachel! (and Liz in spirit or on bike) when do you want to do our first run together?

O and Liz, I couldn't find where you asked about whether you need run with us or we won't feel like your participating... of course you are participating!! The schedule was just a guideline and if we can run together supa.. if we can't run togther.. o well, life's busy.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

One week done! Only nineteen to go!

I just finished up my three mile run for the week. I managed to get in all the runs I scheduled, not a single one was on the day it was supposed to be, but I figure that is not the important part.

So, I've learned two things from my first week of training:

1) I'm hella out of shape

2) Twenty six point two miles is going to be a long friggin' way.

How were your weeks?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Shin Splintz!!!

Sigh. Greg diagnosed it for me, but that's what the doctor said. She said the knee/ankle pain that cropped up later was from me adjusting my gait because of the shin splints. Which kinda makes sense, cause I was leaning way to one side while walking all the time to keep my weight off that leg. But it was good to see an x-ray and confirm that I don't have a sneaky broken bone like Saa did. Anyway, so it's an ice/motrin regimen for me.

She said I could go ahead with training but I should try a run/walk program. Think I could adopt our plan to such? She also recommended running in a pool (huh?) so I'm thinking about dropping my Gold's membership and joining the GU gym so I can do that. Swimming is good cross-training eh? I can barely doggypaddle, but maybe i'll learn. Definitely going to keep up the byking though, I feel like that's strengthened my legs without wearing down on them as much. Plus i just got my sweet new rack so i can tote stuff And a mega-hardcore lock so nobuddeh can steal it.

You guys get some runs in today/yesterday?

This seminar seems neat, but i dunno if worth going to Reston for: http://www.potomacriverrunning.com/events.asp?p=events_instore

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

First week of training!

Monday was a rest day. Check!

Tuesday I was supposed to run 2 miles and I ate Chinese food instead. But I got up this morning (at 4) and did 26 minutes on the treadmill. So I count that as a Check!

Tonight I'm going to do my "cross training" which will probably consist of me stretching a lot. I've been taking the stairs lately because where I am now, they happen to be closer than the elevator and my calves are KILLING me. Amber. So outta shape right now. Amber.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

20 weeks away!

The countdown begins!!!! I'm starting my training today, because I haven't done shiz-it. I don't feel prepared enough to follow any of the training plans as written, so I went through and combined a couple and made my own.

Not gonna lie, there are some mid- week "medium" length runs that I'll probably shorten or drop depending on how dedicated I'm feeling. I tried to keep the jumps in mileage non-drastic and I think it's mostly ok.

With the long run schedule specifically, what do you guys think? Any word on you leg Liz? And since I'm a dum dum and can't figure out how to add an document attachment and it doesn't copy and paste well, I'll share the document with in in da gmail.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Race ideas

Here are some upcoming races we could do!

Herndon Running Festival 10K or 5K (Herndon, obvi) - May 31

Rock the House 8K (Fairfax) - June 7

Lawyers have Heart 10K (Georgetown) - June 13

I'm not sure what to do about the mileage build up problem, I agree we're too far off schedule to do what we'd originally planned. But if we can train for a couple 10K's and have at least 1 ten-miler trail run before the end of June, we should be able to make just small adjustments to the Real training program this summer to get sort of back on track. I still think we can do this!! I just needs some races for the near future to get me pumped back up.

What do you guys think of the above races? I'd do all three, if someone wants to drive my ass out to Herndon, and then Fairfax.

Uhm... Guys...

Maybe we should start meeting for training runs before our scheduled start date?? I don't know about you girls, but I'm not going to be able to handle a 10 mile long run on the 28th. And I'm thinking the plan we were thinking about using is now a bit too ambitious for me.


(I liked the idea of finding a race.)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Omg. Omg. Omg. We're supposed to start training in like.. a month. And I've done bupkiss. Nil. Zilch. NADA since the cherry blossom and I'm slightly panicked. I don't have natural athletic ability that I can just coast on... I need to get out there and run!!!

I'm just so... lazy :(

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Running with pups!

I've only walked a dog maybe once or twice in my life, but would you guys be up for taking some puppehs out for a run on the weekends? I just noticed this in one of our homeward trails newsletters... I think the Dog Paws place is not too far from the 4 mile run trail!

Like to Run or Walk??
Homeward Trails needs you!

We are looking for active volunteers to come walk/run our dogs who are residents of Dog Paws University. These lucky pooches are hanging out at daycare until their forever home comes along. But they need more outdoor time!

We are looking for volunteers to come and walk/run them so that they get that great Springtime air and sunshine...and get more excercise. Looking for both weekday and weekend volunteers. A GREAT way to get back in shape and help a pooch in need. Dog Paws is located in Arlington, VA.

Please contact Liz Olsen if you would like to volunteer: liz1221@cox.net

Fit and Fabulous.

How are you doing my little sick-a-dees :(?? I hope you're both feeling better this morning!!

I've been really trying to make an effort to start getting fit. (Is it sad that I have to train to be in good enough shape to start training?) I've been (trying) to clean up my eating. Vegetable consumption is up, junk food consumption is down and wine consumption is holding steady. (Can't be perfect right?) I'm also hydrated enough that I visit the bathroom at least 5 times a day, probably closer to 7 or 8.

I didn't run yesterday (I took a nap... sleeping is good for you...) but! I did get up this morning and lift weights for half an hour. You have to get up rilly early to lift weights and still be at work before 6 am. I would like to say that I'm going to run this afternoon, but we all know I'm probably going to flake out on that. (I have to go grocery shopping. Food > exercise)

Hope you're feeling better guys!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I Ran!

Sorry about cancelling our plans to run guys. I'm kind of glad I did though, because in Centreville, at exactly 9:30, the weather went from light drizzle to monsoon. I still got a run in on the treadmill, so w00t.

I have intentions to run again this afternoon, but I made the worst deal in history, so I have to go grocery shopping today.

How'd you guys do this weekend?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The best laid plans...

Good note: After a day of eating vegetables and yogurt, I feel loads less gross.

Bad note: I have to go look at houses this afternoon, so I might not be able to get my run in before I meet up with fellow book people.

Good note: Kristina is having car trouble (not good for her...) and we might change the day we meet, so I could possibly get a run in today.

Bad note: The real estate market might literally make my head explode.

Monday, April 27, 2009



I'm officially in the worst shape I've probably been in years. In the past, I might not have always exercised, but I at least attempted and pretended to eat healthy. But these last six months I've eaten whatever, whenever and how ever much I pleased. When I eat junk, I just feel sluggish and gross. And currently I feel extra sluggish and gross. Especially after spending the weekend away from home and having to eat out for every meal, I actually miss vegetables and foods with out sauces!!

I have plans this evening, but my bag is already packed for a run tomorrow. Twenty six miles is a really long effin' way no matter what, but it's going to be a million times worse if I'm not trained.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

SHOOZ again!

sorry, i can't help it, i'm obsessed with the shoes. i've decided that good shoes are the secret to my success and bad ones are the reasons for my FAILZ. (this is in lieu of taking responsibility for my slackness in training....)

anyway, i wasn't sure about the Asics i bought at PR pre-cherry blossom so I went to georgetown running company and tried on a bunch more shoes, including the newer edition of the Nikes that I (and Amber!) had been running in before, some Mizunos and some more Asics. This salesman was a Real African Runner, so I beleebed ebery word he said.

And.... i bought the same Asics again. thinking they were a different model. *slaps forehead*

(in my defense, they looked different- different years! but really.... same shoe....slightly different lacing pattern, but... same shoe. sigh.)

I guess this means that this really is the shoe for me though!
I didn't run.

I suck.

BLARG. I stayed up too late and will probably go home and nap today instead of running as well.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Running dates

Hello fellow peeps of questionable running dedication.

I'm le worried about my base building as I have not run but once since our 10 miler and only once or twice before that! How would you guys feel about doing some "long" runs together before we start training? Like every other week or something?

4 miles 5/2
6 miles 5/16 (I think this is the day Chris graduates so the 17th might work better for me)
7 miles 5/30

This way we still have some motivation and accountability, but we're not giving up all our weekends... yet.

O, and I hear by promise to run for atleast 30 minutes tonight.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Running Date!

Hey! Let's run together soon! How about Sunday, May 3rd, 9:00am. How about, meet up at Elizabeth's and go for a run on the trail again? Do 4 miles? Eliz, you available? Amber and I were chatting and this day/time works for us.

I also want to invite Jessika because May 3 is the final day of the biggest loser, which we all seem to have basically bailed on, but we may as well fake it to the finish? good excuse to get together anyway, right? if she doesn't want to run, we can tell her to just meet us at Elizabeth's around 10:30? and we'll.. do brunch? or something?


I'm really starting to worry about myself guys!! I haven't been out running yet!! At ALL. This weekend Zach and I went for long walks both days, but.. that's not the same. I can almost feel my leg muscles deteriorating.

I feel like if I just get out once, it'll start me up again. Maybe tonight I'll be hardcore and run in the rain. ..hey, it could happen..

30, 000 people have signed up for the MCM and it's all full up!! i really can't imagine - thirty thOUSAND nutburgers that all want to run 26.2 miles??? geeeeez!

did you guys get any good runs in this weekend? i didn't do jack!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

tempo run

Amber. plz explaaaayn. what's a tempo run, again?

Yeah i don't really wanna buy shoes online too much, unless they're ones i Knnnnowww.  i was trying to find my nikes on there, but there's a new generation out (which i haven't tried yet) and mine are now "endangered".  which means good sales price, but not too many 6.5's available.  did find them on ebay though. but. i don't like ebay for some weird neurotic reason.

Did you gais get my fwd from the =PR= running store? they're having a tent sale & bbq thing at the arlington location! same day as kara's shower though....and amber will be in an aeroplane.... 

Rachel are you doing the Pacers run tonight?!  free tech t-shirt!  i will be graping with the apes at the zoo....

new easier faster more fun blogging option

Ok guys I'm trying this out. I Think I just set up the blog so that you could send posts directly to the blog as an email and it posts the same way as if you'd logged in and posted it yourself.

I will send you an email with the "secret" blog posting email address you need to send your blogs to. this should make it easier to blog right??

I was trying to find some pertinent marathon blabber to post here, but I too had trouble finding anything in our old emails worth posting!

One thing I can share is this link Amber found, with a marathon training schedule AND a "mileage buildup" schedule. I lurve it. http://www.marathontraining.com/marathon/m_mile.html

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I need to return my pricey shoes. But i still need a new pair! Any good online shoe stores?

here is amber and my shooz, not available in my size, but they have an 11... is that what you wear, Aber?

My leg still hurts. :( my coozy isn't helping very much either! it kinda itches!

did you guys do your runz you were planning??

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How about something that is a tribute to how we met? Or how we've been friends?

I've been busy today, so the best I could came up with so far is "The Virginia Haulers" (since we all lived in Virginia Hall as freshman and that's where we met.) But it kind of makes us sound like a moving company.

I'll think more tomorrow.

Pump me up!

I want to be as pumped as Team Awesome.!!!!! What is our team going to be?

Ooo, so my bike ride this past weekend was on the Mount Vernon trail. Did you gais ever train on that? I'd never been before, the views of the water were suuuper pretty!

Hey You Guysss

Hey here's our blog! I've added you (Eliz and Amber) as contributors, let's see how it works.

Elizabeth, doesn't this picture of Team AWESOME. get you all PUMPED to be as awesome as that??

I was trying to find a pic of just the three of us - this is all I got. We will have to take pictures of our amazing training sessions.