Sunday, January 29, 2012

All-Girl Half Marathon this spring?

Also, this kinda caught my eye. It's all the way up in Columbia, MD and $85, but I like the idea of all female races!

Plus I kinda wanna do the Frederick Half too and complete the "Titanium Girl" challenge! :-O !!! as Rachel asked the other day... Am I insane???


  1. UGH how come when I click on the hyperlink icon, then paste the link in the window that pops up, it makes it invisible?!?!


  2. hmm I think April is too soon for me to train for a half. been so long since I ran further than 5 miles! And the 5 miles wassss in October so that's kind of a while ago too.

    mayyybe I could do the Frederick one with you, if you do both. it's only like a week later so probably still too soon, but at least it's cheaper - $70 if you register by the end of Feb.

  3. Yea. April is tooooo soooon for me. My mileage has been... uh... like 6 miles a week. I was thinking of training for a half in fall though.

  4. Hmm, maybe I'm crazy for thinking I can be ready this soon.... But, well, maybe not. I am doing the Cherry Blossom 10 miler at the beginning of April, so there's really no reason I shouldn't be able to pile on another 3 miles by the end of the month. Did you guys decide not to go for the GW Parkway 10 Miler...? I forgot.. I seem to remember some kinda scheduling issue. Anyway! Crazyface Elizabeth goes forth with Plan Craziness!
