Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January Goals!!!

Morning Starshines!!!!

I did not run on January 1 or on January 2!!! So much for starting the New Year off with running. I did, however, run 3 miles on the 3rd. My goal for January is to make 10 miles a week. The difficult part will be getting to Saturday and not still having 8 or 9 miles left to run.

Do you guys have any New Years/ January running goals?


  1. I would like to say that I'm totally in for 10 miles a week of running, but I am just not sure I can do it! I will join you in a way, I'm hoping to run 6 miles a week and make up the rest in walking.

    Other goals for the year include getting back into kickboxing hopefully! and I'd like to do a 10-miler.

  2. I've kind of been abandoning running hopes/dreams lately and focusing on the grad school apps, but I'm shoving the last of them out the next couple weeks, so that should free me up soon!

    10 miles a week seems like a pretty good goal. I might just see if I can squeeze out 5 or 6 for January and Feb and step it up to 10 in March. It's just too darn cold, today especially!!!, for me to really get out there much more than that.

    Thinking about signing up for this one, if Saa is free for me to visit this weekend: http://polarplunge.com/View/Page/5K Who wants to jump in the ocean in Feb with meeeee!

    Also, I'm gonna try to keep up my "10 mile race each spring and fall" goal from my 101 things list. Have my spot for Cherry Blossom secured, but I might see if there are any half marathons that catch my eye, too.

    And since it might be my last spring/summer working at Georgetown, I wanna sign up for the sculling lessons and season pass at Thomson's Boathouse this year.

    Amber, (and you too if you're interested, R) if you'd like to try and do the C&O on bikes, I'd be up for making that a goal too! Just... not Memorial Day weekend. I'm already booked!

    Also I want to start going to boxing classes at the Gtown gym! They are at 8:15pm though, barfy.

    Maybe too lofty.... but whatevs, carpe diem!!

  3. So far I am failing :( I've only run 3 miles so far this week. I was supposed to do 4 yesterday (but didn't) and am supposed to do 4 tomorrow (hopefully still will).

    Maybe I can squeeze in three tonight and make my goal for the week.

  4. you can do it Amber!! are your weeks Sun - Sat or Mon - Sun?

    I haven't run a bit this week, so far I'm at 5 miles of walking. Maybe I will run in the morning!
